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Ten most commonly used password

This article is from littleabout.com-Source link-HERE
clipped from www.littleabout.com
A data security firm has unveiled the ten most commonly used passwords on the web.
To reach the conclusion, Imperva analysed around 32 million passwords that had been exposed in a recent hack of the RockYou website.
Last year a hacker had breached the site's company database, gaining access to the unencrypted usernames and passwords of all its 32 million users.
The ten most commonly used passwords analysed in the study were:
1. 123456
2. 12345
3. 123456789
4. Password
5. iloveyou
6. princess
7. rockyou
8. 1234567
9. 12345678
10. abc123.
Copyright Asian News International (ANI)

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