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Oil prices over $100-a-barrel in near future

this clip is taken from time.com..read more at..
clipped from www.time.com
Oil Prices: It Gets Worse
oil rig prices

Oil prices hit a record high of $97 a barrel on Tuesday
oil prices could move irreversibly over the $100-a-barrel threshold in the not too distant future, as the global economy faces a serious energy shortage.
"Lots of targets have been set but very little has been done. There is a lot of talk and no action."

The reason for the IEA's alarm is its expectation that economic development will raise global energy demands by about 50% in a generation, from today's 85 million barrels a day to about 116 million
barrels a day in 2030. Nearly half that increase in demand will come from just two countries — China and India
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