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Best medical sites 2007

Best medical sites taken from http://open.medicdrive.org/
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clipped from open.medicdrive.org

20 Most Popular Health Websites in 2007

1 | WebMD.com
2 | NIH.gov
3 | MayoClinic.com
4 | MedicineNet.com
5 | everydayHealth.com
6 | Healthline.com
7 | RevolutionHealth.com
8 | Drugs.com
9 | MedHelp.org
10 | RxList.com
11 | eMedicine.com
12 | RealAge.com
13 | QualityHealth.com
14 | eDiets.com
15 | familydoctor.org
16 | diet.com
17 | Prevention.com
18 | Healthology.com
19 | MensHealth.com
20 | WHO.int

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