I know I'm like a ghost: a cry for help before dying
A leading fashion model who had worked for Chanel has been found hanged in her
Paris flat after leaving a final post on her blog that read: “Say hi to
She chronicled her thoughts and told of the pressures and loneliness of the
catwalk in a blog under the title “I want to fork myself”. She left her
final post along with a video of I Go Deep by Jim Rivers, a British singer.
The entry ended: “Best track forever.”
‘Honestly, I’ve been in hell’
November 18 “Say hi to forever”
November 15 “Oh but how lonely it is. then and now”
October 30 “I was getting mad depressed and overworked in seoul. ppl
tell me to do something, and i do it, and then they always tell me don’t do
anything. and when i don’t do anything they also tell me to do something”
October 29 “What are you doing for halloween . . . nothing special i’m
already a monster”
October 15 “My life is so god damn predictable its disgusting”